- CultureDrivers"Drive performance through team culture"
Overview of the CultureDriver concept in 2:50
Get an overview of the CultureDriver Toolkit for intact teams:
Why is this relevant, how does it work - and how do we measure effect?
The foundation
Research, thought leaders and common sense concurs: Successful and adaptive cultures are built by individuals and teams with a positive balance on most of life’s accounts: By people who wake up every morning with an appetite for life. By teams who enjoy and have fun working together. By organizations with compelling visions for the future and a deep sense of meaning.
When these factors are in balance we thrive, and our businesses thrive. When they are not, we suffer.
It’s immensely complex to build all the thriving factors - but it’s relatively easy to measure them.
Great thinkers as Carol Dweck, Marcus Buckingham, Daniel Pink, Doshi & McGregor, and not least Patrick Lencioni, already made the groundwork of defining and measuring thriving factors and tested them with hundreds of thousands of people and teams. What we have done is to combine their ideas into one framework and found a way to share the results so they can inspire to action, when that’s relevant: The CultureDriver Assessment.
The assessment is part of a toolkit that can help individuals and teams grow. The CultureDriver Programs are based on the assumption that most leaders and teams already have most of the knowledge and insights they need. What many of us lacks, more than learning, is a chance to rediscover our basic motivation and drivers and link them more explicitly to our work. And, often, a little nudging that can help us realize what we decide to do.
The programs in the CultureDriver Toolkit are truly adaptive. They start with a 5 minutes survey, and everything that happens hereafter adapts to the response. This is true for activities as well as for time spend. As an example, the Team Performance program takes a time investment of 30 minutes for the best teams, while members of more challenged teams can choose to spend 8 hours figuring out what to do differently and practicing adjustments.
The programs improve adaptability, engagement and results – and we prove it. We measure the efforts made and demonstrate how this directly impacts the result when we follow up after a program. And if we can get our hands on actual result data for the individual teams (Budget compliance, Employee engagement, Staff turnover or whatever) we can also prove the correlation between Adaptive Culture activity, Survey scores and actual business results.
The CultureDriver programs are designed to support any positive and ambitious strategy that aligns with the fundamental ambition to build adaptive and empowered cultures.
The programs can boost the engagement in the strategy, and it can track how the adaptive culture evolves over time, and across the many teams a complex organization.
Building stronger – and more adaptive – team of teams
Questions or curious for details?
We have quite a lot of documentation and several case stories on the CultureDriver Toolkit - but not yet in publicly available formats. And we now have data from over 1.100 individuals in 180 teams from three global corporations - with more coming in.
If you have questions or are interested in learning more please contact either Senior Learning Advisor Frank Dybdal Lilleore or CEO Flemming Fog directly
Triggerz.com, Denmark
CVR: 37934178 © 2021