- Just-in-Time Portal
A just-in-time resource portal makes it easy and fast to find answers or helpful resources that empowers the employee to solve any problem - in the moment. No need to ask a colleague or postpone the problem. Just find the answer and move on.
At this point, some would stop and ask: “Hey – wait a minute. That’s what our Intranet is supposed to do?”. Exactly right. That’s what intranets are supposed to do.
But, in many companies, intranets have grown into huge information libraries where people easily get lost.
What makes the Triggerz Just-in-Time Portals valuable is personalization. We start with a specific job role in mind, and then – based on actual needs – we make it easy to find resources for maybe the 50 most frequent challenges experienced by the people who share this role. The resources that Triggerz points to will often be deep links into the Intranet, but we also point to inspirational content, helpful tools, or to a colleague with special expertise.
Organizing after competencies or skills
The basis for personalization - and searchability - is a basic content structure.
For leadership development, this is typically a leadership competency structure. For professional development, this is often a skill or topic-based structure.
In both cases, the structure will be customized to the specific needs of the target group and of the organization.
As long as the structure can be described in a hierarchy, it can be easily imported into Triggerz. It is also possible to mix both competency - and skill structures.
Linking to, or creating, relevant content
Triggerz' most important value contribution is to present the right content to the right users at the right time.
All information about user profiles, segments, system usage and feedback data are core in Triggerz, but when it comes to content - we link to it.
It's very easy to link to a piece of content, and create a visual representation in Triggerz.
Most critical content already exist. It can be in the form of existing training material, existing guides/manuals and, surprisingly often, deep links into specific corners of the company intranet.
Existing content can be supplemented with content from open sources in the form of articles and videos - or by customized content in any form: From professional content from external sources or simple do-it-yourself videos created internally to solve a specific need.
Triggerz is source agnostic - and links to content deep behind corporate firewalls - as well as to anything that can be reached over the internet.
Explore with search and filter
Based on specific roles, the relevant needs are identified, and organized into a library of issue-based actions, that links to answers or learning objects. This can be everything from a deep link to an intranet page about how to perform recruitment interviews, guides on how to handle internal conflicts, or link to micro-learning objects about innovative idea generation. All these items are made easily searchable via free text search and topic based filters – creating a great knowledge resource – tailored to the perspective of specific job roles.
Adding new content to customized capability structure
The resources requested by an SVP are very different from those needed by a sales executive. Triggerz supports creating company- and role specific capability structures and makes it easy to link existing and new resources into these structures. In this example, a content administrator have found an important resource on Youtube. To add it to the portal all she needs to do is to paste the link into Triggerz, adjusting the headline and text, and marking the content as relevant for a specific topic or competence (see next).
Linking content to competencies or skills
To mark the content as relevant for a specific topic or competence you simply browse the capability structure, mark the relevant areas of impact, and set the strength of impact. Based on this, the new content will be discoverable for all users it is relevant for.
Learn more: Register to get access to an online demo, advice or more information about Triggerz on-boarding
Triggerz.com, Denmark
CVR: 37934178 © 2021